Friday, 30 March 2007

Another birthday!

Today it's my daddy's birthday! I sang to him this morning (with some help from mummy and Jess) and gave him a Button Moon DVD for us to watch together. Mummy said she's got a surprise for him later but she won't tell me what it is. Meanie!

Jess finishes school for the holidays today so she'll be home for 2 weeks - yippee! daddy doesn't get Easter holidays which is sad but he is going to be home for a few days next weekend. We're going to visit some of my aunties and uncles and I might meet some cousins I haven't met before. Next week we're also going to stay at my Auntie's in Southend and I'll see some more cousins. i like my cousins :)

Monday, 26 March 2007


I have been trying some new foods. I had carrot last week and it was quite nice but my favourites are apple and banana. I also like drinking water. Mummy says it's what lions drink. I don't know what a lion is but it sounds like a good thing.


I went to Swanage at the weekend. I went with my mummy and my sister and some girls and grown ups from Girls' Brigade. It was good fun and I did some exciting things - I made a sandcastle and i visited a farm where I saw lambs, goats, chickens, rabbits and had a ride on a tractor. I slept in my travel cot which was very comfy and had lots of cuddles! Mummy says that if I'm good I can go again soon so I am trying very hard to behave.

Thursday, 22 March 2007

Meeting people

Today some nice people called Emily and Josh came to see me! Emily is very smiley and has a big tummy. Apparently there is a baby inside which seemed funny to me. I keep milk and potato and carrot in mine! Josh was fun to watch as he ran around a lot. He was a bit shy at first but then he discovered I had some cool toys. He tried to take my chick home but mummy was a bit clever and rescued it! I hope we see them again soon - they were fun!

After they went home mummy and I went to pick Jess up from school. Jess played with me for a bit but then she had to do homework so mummy put my new Pingu DVD on. I enjoyed the first few episodes but then I told mummy I was tired so she put me to bed. I screamed the house down for a while because I was missing her but then I decided I would go to sleep!

I am a busy baby!

Wednesday, 21 March 2007


It's my grandad's birthday today! I am 19 weeks old today but Grandad's a bit older. I'm wearing my "My Grandad is the Best" t-shirt and will be going to visit him later. I hope he likes his present.

I've spent most of this morning rolling over and playing with my gym. I learnt to roll last week and I can get from my back to my tummy but I can't get back onto my back so I get a bit cross after a while. I've also been busy taking my socks off and eating my Babar toy.

I started eating solids on Saturday. I've only had potato so far but mummy said she might do me some carrot today. Yum! Can't wait!

Tuesday, 20 March 2007


Hello. My name is Millie and I am nearly 19 weeks old. My friend Rosalind had a blog even before she was born so I nagged mummy to set one up for me. Mummy will need to help me type for the time being but I hope I'll be able to help her soon. I'm telling her what to write anyway.

It's nearly time to go and pick my big sister up from school so I'd better say goodbye for now but I'll be back soon to tell you a bit more about myself.

Bye for now!